06 November, 2008

Focus on Thankfulness!

I was walking around the store the other day and was really frankly disgusted that they put out Christmas stuff earlier every year! I LOVE Christmas and can't wait, but they seem to be neglecting a very important holiday! Thanksgiving seems to be fading into the back ground. Christmas gets earlier and Halloween gets bigger! We need to hold onto this holiday, not just because of the historic significance, but for our own relationship with our heavenly father. There is a day set aside that enables us to do what we forget to do through out the year. THANK Him for all he has done, been, and will do for us in the future!
1 Chronicles 16:34 says Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

We struggle with this concept in our house with the kids. "Be thankful!" Rings out of our mouths at least 3 times a day. How do we as parents instill that genuine spirit of thankfulness in our kids that are being raised in a very thankless society? They have the constant "ME" and "I Want" mentality thrown at them daily from TV, Print, friends, and other adults. I know we are to model thankfulness to our children, but do we really? It is very hard in this hard financial time. I realize this is a daily thing that should be done. We thank the Lord in our nightly prayers for our days and our things... but do they really get "thankfulness"? I am in the process of doing some research to come up with some family service projects that we can do throughout the year as a family. To take the focus off of our selfishness and onto others. I think when we do start to focus on others, a thankful spirit is easier to come by.

In the meantime, we have started our thankful jar. It is hard at the thanksgiving day table to come up with everything we should be thankful for and spout it off around the table, so we start a month or so before and each day at night we write down one thing we are thankful for and put the paper in the thankful jar. Then at our thanksgiving day table, we offer up our jar to the Lord with thanksgiving. We do read some of the papers, but our meal would get cold if we did all of them.

We are so blessed!! This month on this blog I want to focus on thankfulness! Even the simplest of things!! I did a post about a girl who knew she would lose her hearing in 30 days. WOW... what would do you do with that 30 days! The simple sense of hearing was now a major item of thankfulness for me thanks to this girls story! Thanks for the reminder!!

Today I thank the Lord for Thanksgiving! Not just for his historic value to our country , but for the day I can be reminded in a big way of the things I am thankful for. A day to examine my heart to say, "have I really been thankful for that hard trial." "am I thankful for those fights I could hear because you have blessed me with hearing!"

I am bringing Thanksgiving back!! THANKS for joining me on my blogging journey!!

image by: airmiles.wordpress.com


  1. Largaespada Family said...
    Excellent post! I'm right there with ya! Family Fun magazine has such great ideas for holidays to make them more memorable. This year, we are taking an idea we saw to write things we are thankful for on strips of contruction paper and linking them together for a Christmas tree chain. Jarrett said that we should have a goal to make at least have 25 links to be able to tear one off and read outloud each day until Christmas.

    I love your thankful jar idea. Our girls just made a "fun jar" last night that I'm am posting tomorrow! We just love crafts!
    Brittani said...
    You are right on the money! I asked a clerk in Target the other day why Christmas stuff was coming out before Thanksgiving stuff and he said, "I guess people just don't care too much about Thanksgiving anymore." WOW! What a sad realization of what society is coming to. I am afraid that too many Christians have succumb to this trend, as well. I agree that WE HAVE TO teach the idea of a truly thankful heart to our children. I love your jar idea...we will be making one of those TODAY! thanks for the reminder.
    "so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7
    Debra Kaye said...

    What a beautiful post! I love your insight into being more thankful when you serve others. We participate in Angel Food Ministries and after my son has walked a bunch of food bags out to people and asked them how he can pray for them and hears the things going on in their life...he has a lot better perspective of his own.
    (so do I...it truly is humbling)

    Thank you also for sharing your family tradition of reading thanks. What a beautiful tradition for your children...I know it will be something they will remember and cherish.

    Blessings to you today sweet sister!
    Mikki said...
    Great post.
    I remember my grandfather being upset when they would put Christmas stuff out right after Thanksgiving.. he would hate how early they go out now.

    The other day I started writing down things I was thankful for.. I wanted to do it every day, but is so funny how the enemy will distract you (which he did me). Thanks for the kick in the pants.
    Anonymous said...
    What a great post on thankfulness! I love it and want to instill that in my kids! Thanks for sharing! Christie

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