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Netflix streaming live movies via new blue-ray player! I think I might have died and gone to movie heaven. Oh, the old movies that I have been missing... I can now watch ON DEMAND!!! Slumber Party night was a "Free Willy " marathon! What time did we go to bed? You don't want to know!
Daddy's birthday was Saturday! Can I just say that Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie mountain cake... has now become my obsession! WHOLEY COW that was good!!!! My boy made a creative card for dad too! I am sure if you can do it with Legos, he WILL!!
Winterland/Summerland mini- golf at Disney! One course is "snowy" one is " beachy"!! So much fun!! We did realize that when in doubt, just roll the ball down the hill and you WILL get a hole in one!!! Yea, Monkey!! Leave it to the 2 year old!!
It was VERY windy here! We were supposed to do a photo shoot at the lake for a friend starting her photography business. Ummm... don't want to take a swim! Let's re-schedule!!
While at Birthday dinner at Red Lobster.... Monkey decided that she had to go POOP! After announcing it to the other patrons, jumping off my lap, running to the restroom, avoiding knocking over a waiter, and attempting to strip on the way... She MADE IT!! She actually did it! Of course this was the first time in public, so I wasn't prepared with her M&M's! We came back and packed up the table and went directly to the store across the street for M&M's!! Ahhh... potty training begins with a bang!!
Getting ready for church on time creates some creative time wasters! Salad bowl choo choo.... Clean up the dog hair while you are down there!!
Princess has caught the musical theater bug! She auditioned for our local community theater's production of "Jesus Christ, Superstar". She was SO nervous! Even if she doesn't make it... she had a great time, got auditioning experience, and met a new friend!!
Monkey is officially in her big girl bed! *sniff, sniff* Potty training and big girl bed... I want to move to neverland!! She is doing really well with her bed... she doesn't get of the bed when she wakes up... yet. She still calls us to come and get her. I think it will only be a matter of time till she figures the "system" out!
Someone call the national guard... call the president.... put me in therapy!! My microwave died this weekend! If you know me... you KNOW that I HAVE to have my microwave!! When my 2 year old son was asked 9 years ago what he had for dinner, he replied.. " beep beep, beep!" Nothing has changed people!! I need my "wave"! Now, don't get me wrong... I cook, we don't starve... I just depend on my "wave" for help from "time to time"! Yah, that's it! :o) Hubby to the rescue: WHAT? We had another one in the garage for just a time as this? Boy that man knows me and takes good care of me!!! :o) Guess he didn't want to starve!!! *smirk*
Yes, we love our netflix through our blu ray!! It's the best. You should post your recipe for that p.b. brownie, cake thing. My pants are feeling a little baggy today!!
Thanks for stopping by to check on us. Ugg. I am tired of being sick, tired of taking care of sick people and tired of being stuck in the house!
On a happier note, what part of Florida are you in? We are probably (most likely) going back to Disney World in April for a birthday celebration. I have been going blind all day searching "deals" online.
CONGRATS TO THE DIVA-GIRL! Wow, you must be so proud of your little girl! Yes, please do keep us posted. Thanks for stopping by me too. I'm now following you, so I'll be back!
Even the best cooks still need a microwave... I know I do.
On a happier note, what part of Florida are you in? We are probably (most likely) going back to Disney World in April for a birthday celebration. I have been going blind all day searching "deals" online.
Talk to you soon!