02 May, 2009

1. Only in Florida would the cops be called to a house to assist in "wrasslin'" an alligator out of a home swimming pool! This cop happens to be a good friend of ours! Doesn't he look like a big kid in a candy store!!? I also think ,Julie, you are right... Larry the cable guy may have shown up too!! :o)

2. We had our annual Scout Family Fun Fest. Each scout pack/troop had a booth and showcased something special about scouting! Our pack rocked it!! We made a huge monkey bridge,

made an egg breakfast casserole and cobbler in a dutch oven on the the fire ,and made weather rocks for a craft!!

It was "FUN"!! The boys from our pack also won "GRAND CHAMPION" for the best food at the festival for their egg breakfast casserole!!!

3. I realized that 5 days from now, I ... ME... MOM.... KELLY... MYSELF... will be laying by a pool sipping... oh, I don't even care... NOT having anyone need any laundry done, no one needing to be fed, no one needing a fight broken up--- sitting with my dear girlfriends at a Disney resort for Friday night and into Saturday. We are packing our bags for the night, putting a do not disturb sign on the door, and just enjoying each other's adult company!! I can feel the rejuvenation coming now!! This is my mother's day gift. GONE FOR 24 HOURS!! Please pray for hubby!!! :o)

4. We had a fun night of fellowship with some friends of ours that live in our neighborhood!! They live beside one of our retention ponds, so the kids decided to go fishing!! They had SO much fun! I did not think they would catch anything, but the pond was FULL of fish. My daughter is now called the "Queen fisherlady"! She wooped the boys butts by catching 6 fish!! Two of which were huge catfish! Guess what is now on her birthday list... a fishing pole of her very own!!

5. One more week of swimming lessons for monkey. I am hoping toward the end to get some video to share!! Friday we had a break through! She started to splash in the water and do her thing without crying!! She is starting to learn how to handle the water she ingests and doesn't get so mad and scream!! Whoo hoo!


  1. Lori said...
    hope you enjoy your night away!
    He & Me + 3 said...
    Yikes on the alligator...yeah for Monkey.
    Julie said...
    Hope you have a great time this weekend. It sounds wonderful!!!
    More Than Words said...
    I am tripping on the alligator!!!!!!!!! I would be so scared!!!
    Mozi Esme said...
    That is one nice-sized alligator! Esme was just fascinated by a 4-foot one at a reptile presentation at our church last week - she wanted to play! I think I read her too many alligator books during our "A" week...

    And congrats on the swimming! We are on a swimming lesson break here thanks to Mommy not signing up before the class filled up this month, but Esme is for some reason still petrified of getting water in her ears, so we didn't make too much progress last month.

    Hope you have a terrific vacation!
    Mikki said...
    Too funny! We've had an amardillo in our pool, but no alligator as of yet.

    Your Disney trip sounds like a blast. Have fun!!

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