06 October, 2008

Why do I blog?

image by : blogging101.com

That has been a question that I have been asked several times! So I decided to answer that question along with the question I hear even more, "how do you have time?"

Why do I blog?
1. My hubby and I moved to our current state about 11 years ago. We moved several states away from ALL our families and friends that we loved so dearly. When we moved, we started building our family. I needed a way to keep our family and friends connected. I searched and developed different sites over the years to accomplish this goal. It is actually amazing to see how our "connecting" has evolved! From mailing photos and letters via "snail mail" to where we are now! After the birth of our third child and many sites later, I decided to set up a blog on blogspot! Blogspot enables me to do a little bit of everything and to meet all my "why do I blog" needs. (more on that as I write) I can post pics to show what we are up to, share special events in our lives, and help our family/friends to remain involved in our lives from 1600 miles away!!
Three of my biggest reasons for blogging!

2. I have always loved to write and journal. It was always a great idea in theory! Now I have a place that I can do it! Blogging is a live journal that details, archives, and organizes my thoughts, happenings, and our lives in one place.
I wish I had started this blog a long time ago. I went through a lot over the past couple of years with that I know could have been a great therapy session had I blogged about it and enabled others in on my journey! I do scrapbook which allows me to keep track of my kid's lives through pictures, but I don't do much journaling in them. It will be amazing to look back in the online archives and see where we have been and how far we have come.

3. Connecting with others going through similar life experiences is a big reason as well. Sometimes as a SAHM, you get a little burnt out and NEED human interaction and support. Bloggers have a community of like minded people struggling, rejoicing, encouraging, and supporting each other through life's funny craziness!! We encourage each other by leaving comments on each other's sites, supporting their causes, and keeping track of their comings and goings so that we can pray, encourage, and get to know them better!! I have readers from all over the globe!! It is amazing what you can learn from people in other countries!!

4. Blogging also provides you with a little bit of extra income!
Through the google ads that are placed on my site, I can earn income from allowing advertisers to advertise on my blog. They do a really good job making their ads "blog specific"! So next time you visit my blog, don't forget to click on a google ad! You will be contributing to my families financial health! It isn't much, but hey, every penny counts!! You can also earn $$ from signing up with many different sites that allow their ads on your site or you can review items via pay per post! It all goes down to exposure as well. The more you are "out there" and the more readers you have, they more income you can generate!

5. Most of the blogs that I read are from family and friends doing the same thing I am doing. However, there are many blogs that I read that are about being frugal minded! I read many blogs that help me with coupons, sales, and tips about being a better steward of what we have been given. I am dedicated to helping my household bottom line every way I can. Since I am a SAHM, it is important to me to help out with the finances. I work on keeping my budget tight, my mind frugal, and my family not wanting for anything! You can find several of my frugal sites in the left column under "money saving blogs"! If I find a great deal or sale, I will also share this information with fellow bloggers! We stick together to beat this crazy economy!

6. I also get a lot of information about products from blogs, so I try and return the favor! I have done a some reviews of some products that I love or can't live without. I can't tell you how many times that I wish my friend had an item and could tell me exactly what I need to know before buying something! Blogs are the most honest form of advice and review! Most are from honest consumers just like me wondering the same things from the real world. Yah, consumer reports can be helpful, but tried and true is better in my opinion!!

How do I have the time to Blog?

Well, I sometimes don't have the time, but sometimes to accomplish my above goals for blogging, I have to make the time. Sometimes I do it at night after everyone goes to bed. Sometimes, I do it in the afternoon while the baby is taking a nap. If I have several posts that I know I want to post and I have the time, I will write several posts at one time and use the handy dandy little thing called "post options" that enable me to "schedule" when the post will appear on the blog. So even though it looks like I have posted something each day, chances are I have written several posts on a Sunday afternoon and scheduled them to post on different days that week!! (love that feature!)

That is it in a nutshell!! Thanks to all of you who join me on my journey! Thanks to those who comment, encourage, and just let me know you are following me! If you ever have a question or something you would like me to blog about, let me know!!


  1. BPOTW said...
    Great reasons! Isn't it great to have such amazing resources out there for whatever your passion is? I know a lot of moms who blog for special needs support. There are also a lot out there, like you (and me), who are frugally minded. Blogging can be a big help in our daily lives (as long as I...I mean we don't spend too much time on it) :)

    Thanks for submitting your post!
    DanielleW said...
    I have to say, this is my favorite of all your previous sites. I always wanted to comment on your other sites but could never really think exactly how to do it.
    Betty said...
    I wrote a similar post and your reasons sound like mine.
    I also love the blogging community, and the comments from them are also a reason I blog. They make my day!
    Great Post!

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