When I had my daughter 8 mo. ago, I was bound and determined to teach her sign language as a baby! I have two older children who I didn't teach sign language to. They had no speech delay or lack of IQ, but we spent many a mealtime and day with the ole "point" and "grunt" ! Drove me up the wall! I started to think, what if I could communicate with my baby and have a more productive and stress free experience?!
According to parentsite.com, research has shown that babies who sign are less frustrated since they have a way of expressing their wants and needs. Simply put, they cry less. Babies are born with a natural desire to communicate with their hands. They clap when they are happy! Rub their eyes when they are tired!!But even more amazingly, babies who are taught a few simple signs not only speak earlier than non-signers but have larger vocabularies and become better readers. It has to do with stimulating more synapses of the brain. Signing babies have IQ’s that are 10-12 points higher.
To sum it up, babies who sign…
Speak earlier than non-signers
Experience less frustration
Develop larger vocabularies
Become better readers
Have IQ’s that are at least 10-12 points higherThis information taken from parentsite.comThere starts my journey! We only have one word down right now. "MORE"! (that was the biggest source of crying at mealtime with my other two.) Of course each baby will have their own adaption of the sign until they can get it right. They will also use the same sign for everything until they can expand their vocabulary!! The next step we are working on, while refining "more", is "more, what?" "EAT" and "DRINK" is next! We are only going to concentrate on the basics for communication for now!
We taught sign language to all three kids. Joshua, however, was speech delayed. He knew all the basic signs, but he couldn't speak about other things that he wanted so he screamed A LOT! When we started understanding more from his younger sister Allison than from him we insisted on having him tested. He was developmentally delayed and just knowing that help us teach him some new signs to better communicate with us. A true lifesaver!
Dianna M.
I love it!!! How adorable!! Be sure to post more of these clips when she learns more.
Julie :)
We did this with Abbie and loved it. It was so helpful, especially for Dad, you know they never know what the baby wants anyway.
Love the blog design! So glad you stopped by BlogMommas!
We did this with Ellie as well. I loved the "all done" sign. I was watching Savannah and was imagining two babies doing this. I guess that will be better than 2 babies whining.
She's so cute, by the way. :-) How old?
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