17 August, 2008
Well, school starts tomorrow! (hence the reason I can blog at a normal hour-- they are all in bed!) What a better way to round out the summer and get back into the "school" mindset than celebrate the birth of our butterflies!! They emerged!! I can't believe how small they were when we got them! The kids were absolutely amazed and love every minute of this experience!
They have decided that there are 3 girls and 1 boy. I have no idea!! :o) They were going to name them, however , they quickly realized that they looked the same and were always moving.
One by one they emerged from their chrysallid! We put some fresh cut oranges for them to feed on! Then after a few days of watching and admiring God's wonderful creation, we set them free! As the kids let them go, they told them to come back and visit!! I now foresee EVERY butterfly that they see will be OUR butterflies!!
Here are the empty Chrysallids! Down below is one that has just come out. See the other two "dark" chrysallids to the right still have butterflies still in them. Here is their butterfly home! Time to let them go!
Aren't they beautiful!!
Labels: nature
We have one chrysallis for a Monarch right now. I've been looking and looking for them and my mom accidentlally finds one. Then she finds another, and then 6 more. I'm just glad to have them. LOL (I've kept two and given the rest away)
I really need to upload my video camera because I got almost the whole thing of our worm making its chrysallis.
How do you tell if the painted ladies (?) are male or female?
Oh, and tell your mom I thought of her yesterday during church. "Family of God" was one of our songs and it always makes me grin from ear to ear and think of that time in Edinborough. ;o)