28 July, 2008

Teachable moments!

I am constantly asking the Lord, "how can I get thankfulness, humility, generosity, and being happy in your circumstances into the hearts of minds of my children?" It seems an impossible task at times. Society doesn't help at all! I don't want them to be generous because that is what they are told to do. I want them to be generous because it's what they want to do and being that way is one more attribute of Christ they want to strive to be like.

I then realized sitting in church yesterday amidst my A/C escapades with my parents A/C and then mine, that these are the moments and ways to teach what I am asking for. I am to model in my own life daily what I am teaching. I try to do it already, but not as intentional as I should. Not only model it, but be passionate about it. Get excited about ways to be generous, humble, and thankful. Be happy that my air was out in order to refocus myself even if for a moment to say, " hey, thanks Lord for my A/C!! ". When my air went out this time, I noticed a complete attitude change in myself and my kids. My frustration and irritability wasn't there.

My A/C is back!! "thanks Lord for a husband that has the ability to trouble shoot!" He fixed it and no $$ spent!! Yes, the air was only out for a day, but oh, the lessons it taught all of us!


  1. Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...
    Way to keep your focus! You are right, that IS the best way to teach your children. I need to remember that on a daily basis.
    Mikki said...
    Great post!!!
    It is so easy at times to slip into those moments. But PTL His mercies are new each day and He loves us beyond all our junk :-)

    Rejoicing with you today.. for the a/c AND for God's work in your life!
    Anonymous said...
    That is the key...model what they are to learn. Sometimes I look at my kids and see I am doing a terrible job modeling!!!! Way to look at your air being out! Christie
    DanielleW said...
    It has been said that more is caught than taught so modeling behavior is the excellent way to mold young ones.

    What a great reminder this post was. Thank you for sharing. And YIKES on being in FL in JULY w/o AC. CRAZY. LOL

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