09 April, 2011

Spring has sprung and summer is charging in!!! It was a whopping 90 today! Yikes!! I managed to get my butt out of bed on a Sat. morning and take the kiddos down town to the "garden festival" that is held in my sweet little town! (I think I have mentioned before how much I LOVE my town!)

I think the festival gets bigger and better every year! Lots of garden goodies, local growers with their fruit and veggies, kid's zone fun, music, yummy food and lots more!  Here are some pics from our day! This one is my sweet baby girl taking a rest on the festival shuttle!!

We saw some awesome chalk artists doing their thing on the sidewalks of city hall!  Great talent!!!  This one was of course my favorite.  It is going to be a humpback whale.  It was cool to go back through out the day and see their progress!!

There was a pretty funny and talented juggler that kept the kids laughing!! 

Then on to the kid's zone where everything, even snakes, yuck... was hands on!
Monkey didn't want ANYTHING to do with that snake--  That's my girl , so she settled for a chicken!!
By the time we got home, we were wiped out!!  Great day!!
Have a blessed week!!

1 Comment:

  1. Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...
    That sounds like a super fun day. Monkey with the chicken is just to cute. She looks like she was ready to take it home with her. LOL!
    Have a super Sunday.

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