29 March, 2010

1. It is time to whip our landscaping into shape! This unseasonably cold winter here in FL has taken a toll on our landscaping. We dug it all out and are starting from scratch. Something to be said for a blank canvas!!

2. Check the weather before you plant! We got some of our planting done and the lawn fertilized. Wouldn't you know it then started to rain and rain for 2 days straight. Please don't float my plants away. We didn't even have time to get the rock down for drainage. Ugh...

3. Sitting at the computer hearing the most heart piercing sound ever... a wasp the size of a ... well it was big people!! I am deathly afraid of flying stinging things of all kinds. The window was open ,but it was inside on the screen. (stupid non-fitting screens) What do I do... my fear set in and paralyzed me for a moment... then I realized what I had to do. I had to be brave and save my family from certain death... okay... I exaggerate a little! But really... I ran down stairs and came back with flyswatter and bug spray in hand. Really? Thing was huge , did I really think I was going to best the beast with a flyswatter? Then like I willed it with my mind, it crawled up under the closed portion of the window. I got it!!!!!! SLAM. I slammed the window shut. He was trapped. I closed the curtain so I wouldn't have to look at him. I did manage however to take his picture! I knew no one would believe my story! See he is almost as big as my play set!! *wink*4. I am having an awesome giveaway that ends on April 4th!! Pass it on!!!!! It is awesome! Don't miss it! Click the link above this post to enter and see what I am giving away!

5. I think I am allergic to the guinea pig. Not confirmed, but every time I feed, pet, or change her cage, I go into fits of sneezing attacks! Haven't had this happen for over 10 years. I will keep you posted!

6. Spring break has started!!! Woo hoo!! My boy is still not out of bed!! Not sure what all we are doing, but sometimes it is good to NOT have a plan!!!

Have a good week friends!

1 Comment:

  1. Darcie said...
    Enjoy your spring break, your blank canvas, but for sure stay away from anything big, that flies and has a stinger by all means. ;-)

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