17 December, 2009

Dear Santa... so sorry!!

So... we went to see Santa last night! The kids were really excited! Monkey was excited too. However, I am not too sure she knew what she was "excited" about -- we later realized that from the video above! She saw him from the waiting line. She laughed and said, "ho ho ho"!! She pointed at him and giggled. Our turn came.....

I let Monkey go first so we could get a great video with her (soft "loving" music plays in back ground) running into his arms. He scoops her up and she just loves on Santa!!!!!
ERRRRR...(tires squealing). that must have been a dream. She followed her dad across the platform and would NOT go near him! I tried to get her to go with her sister, but NOPE didn't happen! Poor Princess just shrugged her shoulders and hopped onto Santa's lap!

I thought maybe she would just sit on the arm of Santa's chair while the older two talked with Santa! She screamed, looked at Santa... screamed some more! So no pictures here! At least of Monkey! Here are the older two! The professional photographer got a really interesting picture of my boy trying to talk to Monkey on the arm of the chair, monkey telling him NO, and Princess carrying on a conversation in her own world w/ Santa!!
I made the mistake of putting Monkey down so I could pick up my bag. As soon as her two little feet hit the floor she took off..... YES, running out of the Santa pagoda down the isle. She did manage to turn around and wave goodbye to Santa first before she kept on her "get me out of here" trip!! On the way out, my boy was so sweet and concerned that Monkey didn't get to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas! I told him that I whispered it to him before I took off running to catch Monkey!!

Dear Santa: Don't take it personally!!
Have a great Christmas all!!


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