22 September, 2011
I know, I know... it has been awhile! I hope to remedy that problem.
Okay... so here I go. I have a lot of thoughts so this may end up a jumbled mess, but I will try and organize them the best I can!
Labels: inspiration
16 May, 2011
18 April, 2011
I heard a song on the radio that is an oldie but goodie by Christian music's standards! It is by a group called Avalon. I think the timing of this song is very significant being played this week as we go into "passion week"--The week prior to the Death, burial , and glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus! My mind and heart cries out for you to take the stories and really seek the reality of them!
I have grown up in a Christian home most of my life. Went the Sunday school like a good girl, joined the youth group, memorized scripture, and even attended a christian school from 1st- 12 th grade. I heard the stories, my parents drilled them in But at a point , we have to evaluate ... are they just stories-- just a page of history? There is a time when all these stories become the catalyst for making your faith your own-- not just what your parents want you to believe. To know him is to love him and to love him is to make him your everything!
What does the story of Easter mean to you? Is it just a story, or do you live it, breathe it, thank HIM for it! Do you read the story and then put it back on the shelf till next Easter? Our Lord did the most amazing thing for you and I... came to earth in human form, took on the critics, testified to the truth of our heavenly father, was beaten, and crucified all because of his love for us.
Is HE everything to you... is he how you live, breathe, talk, act? Have you made he stories a reality in your life? I love how Avalon sings it... they can do a much better job of sharing my heart with you. So here you go!
Have a great day!
Labels: inspiration
16 April, 2011
Labels: family
14 April, 2011
We have dragonflies EVERYWHERE down her in Florida, which makes sense because they are mostly found around marsh lands, ponds, and lakes because their first stages of life are aquatic! You can see one flying around or you can see hundreds in a field just buzzing in a group. They really are fascinating to me! They are fast little bugger too... On record... the fastest dragonfly was clocked at 60 mph! Of course that is out of the norm, but generally they fly about 35 mph. Can you imagine how fast those wings are flitting to get those kinds of speeds!
Another reason I love them... the eat our pesky mosquitoes! God's natural pest control system! I love it!
When I dug deeper into the Dragonfly cultural significance... I found one that I particularly loved!
In Japan dragonflies are symbols of courage, strength, and happiness, and they often appear in art and literature, especially haiku. The love for dragonflies is reflected in the fact that there are traditional names for almost all of the 200 species of dragonflies found in and around Japan. As it symbolizes courage, boys are given the name of "Tonbo", meaning dragonfly. The shape of the archipelago of Japan, as seen on a map, is said to be that of a dragonfly. Hence the leading male character in Kiki's Delivery Service, in a non-Japanese setting, is named "Tonbo" so that the Japanese audience can identify with him. (wikipedia)
That is just so cool to me because I can remember MANY times looking back where I have been going through a rough time or needed an extra pick me up and was visited by a Dragonfly! I remember one day, when I was taking a LONG walk. It was hot, I was tired, the baby was cranky, the dog refused to listen and I just wanted to make it home. Wouldn't you know a dragonfly came down out of nowhere and landing at the head of my stroller canopy! It was almost as if to say, "I am gonna help you flit home-- now let's get going!"
Some of you may be thinking, "HOKEY"! But I see this as a way of God using his beautiful and magnificent creation to help his children with little reminders of HIS grace, strength, and courage! When I see them now, I remember God's promise that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I will remember that God does not give us the spirit of fear. I will remember that no matter how insignificant I think my struggle is , my Lord cares and my happiness lies in him!!!
Wow, all I can say is that thank the good Lord I am not Japanese or having any more children or my son just might just end up with the name "TONBO"!!
Next time you see our wonderful dragonflies ... remember strength, courage, and happiness and where it all comes from!! Thanks Lord for BIG reminders in the form of one of your littlest creations!!!
Labels: inspiration